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TANcast 242 – You’ll Never See Me Coming

May 13th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week, the boys celebrate Mother’s Day…in their own way, talk media stinger, and bemoan iTunes technical issues.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs were from Hillary, Jesus, and Johnathan
Send in YOUR jokes to us at YourMom(at)TANcast.com


Mean Tweets Bit On Jimmy Kimmel

Actors Reading Yelp Reviews

Andy’s iPhone Thinks He’s Too Wordy Too

Cracked Article: 7 Action Figures That Managed to Ruin Great Characters

Tim’s Carrie Prejean Blog


7 Responses to “TANcast 242 – You’ll Never See Me Coming”

  1. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    I see your 7AM and 6:15 and I raise you 4 am … I win… not sure if this is something I am proud of winning 😛

  2. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    4AM?! **** me!!! You definitely “win.”

  3. Hillary (#1 FAN of WDW )and ........MAHNA MAHNA!No Gravatar Says:

    Thankies for the shout out for my hubby gentlemen 🙂 He def geeked out 😛 also, on one of your old episodes someone (think it was either Noah or Andy) mentioned putting a little sprite in your cola at fast food places.. let me just say, that is delicious ! Love ya guys and great episode as usual

  4. Lindsey #1 Britishy Things FanNo Gravatar Says:

    Andy has the sassiest iPhone I’ve ever seen.

  5. Alissa (TANcast's #1 Female Fan and NEW #3 Fan/the second A in TANcast/#1 Jokingly-engaged Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Tim, you were saying that your wife has started saying some Tim-isms around not you….
    I use phrases that you guys use during the podcast alllll the time around just about everybody. I think Jared is the only one who doesn’t bat an eye most of the time (although I can occasionally still surprise him). The biggest example that I can think of is that once, a loooong time ago (I don’t even remember which episode) Tim started singing “Let’s Talk About Sex” but he made the words a bit vulgar… Anyway, now I can never think of the real words, I can only remember Tim’s version.
    That’s not so horrible except for the fact that I CONSTANTLY get that song stuck in my head. I’m a trainer at my place of employment, and often times during training instead of saying “okay now we’re going to learn about…” I tend to say “Let’s talk about…” and EVERY DAMN TIME I get Tim’s version of the song stuck in my head. And it’s definitely inappropriate for me to sing out loud.
    Sigh. the struggle of being a TANfan is real.

  6. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Alissa, that. Is. Awesome!

  7. Andrew, TANcast's #[square root of -1] Australian fanNo Gravatar Says:

    If a suggestion was delicious, it was Noah.

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