Still has that "new blog" smell.


TANcast 233 – We Saw Your Boobs

March 5th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Latest Episode

This week the boys talk about the Oscars, Facebook privacy, and drawing dicks on people.
[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs were sent in by Lindsey, Tyler, and Luisa
Send in YOUR jokes to us at YourMom(at)TANcast.com


News Reporter Loses The Ability To Talk

Reporter Tries To Tell Joke to Dali Lama

Seth’s We Saw Your Boobs

Chris Brown’s Tattoo

Tim’s March Blog Madness 2


12 Responses to “TANcast 233 – We Saw Your Boobs”

  1. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    OMG THANK YOU SOO MUCH GUYS!!! I LOVE THIS EPISODE!!! I was having literally I think one of the worst days and I was really pissed about it but now I am in tears of laughter!! thank you thank you thank you!!! Love you guys can’t wait for more @Tim I will try to find it again and watch it sorry I missed it πŸ™ thank you guys again!!
    P.s. Angry Tim = happy Grace!

  2. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Sorry you had what sounds like an awful day, but I’m glad our foolishness was able to help a little.

  3. Jesus (LoboMaloArte)No Gravatar Says:

    So, does everybody have a “I am *insert celebrity name here* bad decision” shirt, even if it is imaginary? If that’s the case, consider me Emma Watson’s. Oh! And I assume male celebrities have shirts that say; “I’m Taylor Swift’s next big single”

  4. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    No, Jesus. Lindsay Lohan is special. Only a handful of celebrities are crazy enough that they might just hump anyone. Emma doesn’t seem the “party girl” type. That’s why I chose Lindsay. Oh…Lindsay πŸ™‚

  5. Jesus (LoboMaloArte)No Gravatar Says:

    Lol, I see where you’re coming from, but look where I’m coming from. I’m 24, living at home, doing online schooling trying to get a lit degree, with a failing YouTube “Art” channel; youtube.com/lobomaloarte *shameless plug*. Look at her, talented actress, going to school, which I think she might be doing way better at was successful before age 15. Hence why she may be my celebrity crush. So, everyone is a bad decision in one way or another.

  6. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    Success boys, I was unable to make it this episode without needing some assistance to breath from my inhaler. You can me laughing to the point of an asthma attack πŸ˜€

  7. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    And apparently typing out a correct full sentence was a problem today too… I doubt we will ever see the Tancast + Grammar Girl crossover….

  8. Hillary (#1 FAN of WDW )and ........MAHNA MAHNA!No Gravatar Says:

    Great show guys! πŸ™‚ Funniest part to me by far was, and i quote “A grasshopper walks into a bar and FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YOUUUUUUUUUU ANDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! ” nearly fell off my couch laughing πŸ˜› love ya guys!

    And I would pay a nickel per show but love that all this tancast goodness is FREE πŸ˜€

  9. Jesus (LoboMaloArte)No Gravatar Says:

    You know what, I’m surprised nobody said anything about Kirk coming back to life at the Oscars.

  10. Rick Reed/DJ Technoid (TANcast's No.1 Themesong Creator Fan)_No Gravatar Says:

    I haven’t been around for awhile, so I just thought I would take this opportunity to say: penis

  11. Lindsey #1 Britishy Things FanNo Gravatar Says:

    A delightful episode. I liked the part where Tim called me a mess of hot, cause it’s true.

  12. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Can you name me another podcast that combines celebrity Fucket Lists with scientific notation? Yeah, I thought so.

    I love when Tim gets upset and you can detect just a hint of real rage underneath the mock rage…

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