Slightly less shitty than before


TANcast 233 Homework

March 4th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

If you listen to the new episode of TANcast, you’ll notice a new TANlaugh jingle. For those of you who don’t watch television and/or don’t live near a Jack in The Box restaurant, you might not recognize the tune. It’s the music form a commercial for a new Jack in the Box sandwich called the “Hot Mess.” Here’s the commercial…

I found myself bobbing my head to this commercial over and over again…so imagine how happy I was when I found out there was a full length version of the song! I played it for Andy after we were done recording and he was overwhelmed by all the sex/food puns. I loved it. Not ironically, either. I truly love this song. How sad is it that my favorite new song in the fast few years comes from a fast food commercial that’s advertising a burger I’ll never eat? I don’t care! Enjoy the full song…

FYI-Today is National Grammar day (March 4th=March Forth) so to make up for the multiple errors I’ve no doubt made in this blog, cleanse your pallet with this video featuring everyone’s favorite grammarian: Grammar Girl!!!

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