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TANcast 222b – Joshua Tree – Top 3 Road Trips

February 10th, 2013 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week its a mini-episode. Noah and special guest Max talk about their top 3 favorite road trips on their way home form a visit to Joshua Tree.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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2 Responses to “TANcast 222b – Joshua Tree – Top 3 Road Trips”

  1. Andrew ShuggNo Gravatar Says:

    Thanks for this podcast Noah and Max! (And Silent Kathy.)

    I liked the description of Texas. Sounds like a small version of Australia. ;-P

    Did you do any stargazing at night in the Joshua Tree National Park? (Other than the really stationary UFO.) That’s one of the nice things about getting away from the city, seeing a lot more stars than you’re used to.

  2. Hillary (#1 FAN of WDW )and ........MAHNA MAHNA!No Gravatar Says:

    Just though i might add when u were talking about people camping during thanksgiving, a friend of mine goes tent camping here in the snow in wisconsin every christmas… yeaaaaaaa BRR

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