Not to be confused with tan cats.


TANcast 221a – Tim Babb’s Kingdom Comedy Report From Disneyland

November 14th, 2012 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week Tim reports from the Disneyland Resort! He talks Carsland, Space Mountain, meets TANcast listener Grace, and takes a ride on the Matterhorn.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast USUALLY features mature language and immature hosts. Not this week though. Enjoy!

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No TANlaughs this week. 🙁
Send in YOUR jokes to us at YourMom(at)TANcast.com


Tim Babb’s Kingdom Comedy Videos on YouTube

DJ Technoid’s Remic of Tim Babb’s “The Magic of Disneyland Parody”

Touring Plans Lines App

Tim’s Space Mountain Music with Lyrics


13 Responses to “TANcast 221a – Tim Babb’s Kingdom Comedy Report From Disneyland”

  1. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    I’m commenting as I’m listening to this podcast:
    I felt the same way about cars. I didn’t care for the movie, but I love Carsland!
    I sing ur song when I’m riding the space mountain! cuz I’m that big of a dork
    lol I’ll tell my boss you said that! lol maybe you’ll have some sway with the mouse! I told all my fellow cast members about you and I think I got you a few more fans!
    Sorry we didn’t get to talk that long let me know next time you come out to the park I’d love to show ur son my trick that I showed you.

  2. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    p.s. its hard to get out of the matterhorn seats for me and its ok I always say Harold the yeti is saying welcome when he’s roaring at you. cuz you are visiting his home.
    P.s.P.s. Cinnamon flavored tacos on the floor!
    Cinnamon flavored tacos pour some more!
    lol much love hugs and kisses

    P.s.P.s.P.s at work they call me the child whisperer/child guru

  3. Hillary (#1 FAN of WDW )and ........MAHNA MAHNA!No Gravatar Says:

    I LOVED THIS EPISODE 😀 then again, i love kingdom comedy so yea…. it was funny and about disney so im sold… did miss andy and noah though

  4. Jesus A.K.A. Lobo Malo:The Fucking Pissed Off Comic GeekNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m sorry, magic gun? Where do you purchase that? Sorry, that’s what I heard and instantly thought Linkara.

  5. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    It’s been 3 years and 7 months since I last visited Disneyland…no side effects…. yet

  6. Hillary (#1 FAN of WDW )and ........MAHNA MAHNA!No Gravatar Says:

    just wanted to tell you guys that yesterday, while skyping my hubby matt, i said ” i love you more than tim babb loves star trek” to which he replied ” i love you more than andy loves crocs” BAHAHAHAHA!

  7. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    @Jesus lol I love that guy with the glasses too I’m not sure which magic gun Tim is talking about

  8. JasonNo Gravatar Says:

    I was at Disneyland on Sunday and I wish I could have met Tim. Next time you come out there should be a TANcast meet-up. Glad you enjoyed CarsLand Tim, I did not care for the movie either but I do enjoy the level of detail in the area. I don’t know how tall you are Tim, but I am 6’4″ and it was painful for me to fit into the Matterhorn. The new seats are far more uncomfortable then the old ones.

  9. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    The magic gun was one of those pirate guns that light up and make noise…I think. I had just walked in the store

  10. Grace (#1 Redheadeddisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    oh yes Now I remember @Tim
    @Jason I agree with you TANcast meet up should happen! someday

  11. Alissa (TANcast's #1 Female Fan and NEW #3 Fan/the second A in TANcast/#1 Jokingly-engaged Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Friendship over.

  12. Luke (TANcast's #1 Irish fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I’m going to Disneyland Paris next week for the first time in 3 years but I’ve really been struggling to get into the mood. This worked. Thank you so much for this episode Tim, now roll on next week!

    Also, Space Mountain will be closed when I’m there (and it’s a different SM to the US ones; different layout, story, soundtrack, all that is similar is the name and space theme) but I’m going to attempt to sing Tim’s lyrics on Rock n Rollercoaster. Singing along to the Aerosmith songs is too clichéd so why not spice it up and look a total fool at the same time!

  13. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    @ Alissa – In fairness, I wasn’t tweeting my location since I didn’t want a certain racist douche to know where I was.

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