Failure comes standard


TGIF: (This Guy Is Funny) W. Kamau Bell

October 21st, 2011 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Day 2114:

As a comedian, I run into some really funny people. Every so often I meet a comedian that I enjoy so much that I want the world to know. So during this blog-filled October (Blogtober), I’ll be highlighting a wonderful comic each Friday in a feature called TGIF: (This Guy/Gal Is Funny). These won’t be long essays or anything, just a little recommendation on some people to go to when you want to laugh. This week, I want to draw your attention to W. Kamau Bell.

W. Kamau Bell is perhaps the comedian that I quote the most to my friends and family. I don’t know if it’s because his jokes are more memorable or if he just has such a great array of jokes on different topics that something ALWAYS reminds me of a Bell BitTM (Not really). In fact, I quoted a whole bit of his about Californians on TANcast 72.

This might sound lame, but I like Kamau’s way of making a point though humor. My act, for instance, is just “Hey, here are some funny thoughts that breezed in my head and now I’m telling you…please laugh.” But comics like George Carlin, Chris Rock, Jon Stewart and W. Kamau Bell will actually breakdown a topic with jokes. So you’re laughing the whole way but at the end if you think about you can’t help but say, “Hey, he’s right. That IS a stupid law/policy/tradition/etc.” AN especially enjoyable example of this is in his video from his “W. Kamau Bell Curve” show.”

Fortunately for you, Kamau is very prolific. So you can find him doing stand up, one man shows, podcasts, radio shows…I’m assuming he has a theme park in the works…the man works hard. You can find all of it at his website wkamaubell.com.

Bottom line…W. Kamau Bell: This Guy Is Funny!!!

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