We're not actually joined at the hips, we just like to stand this way.


TGIF: (This Guy Is Funny) Brian Scolaro

October 7th, 2011 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Day 7:

As a comedian, I run into some really funny people. Every so often I meet a comedian that I enjoy so much that I want the world to know. So during this blog-filled October (Blogtober), I’ll be highlighting a wonderful comic each Friday in a feature called TGIF: (This Guy/Gal Is Funny). These won’t be long essays or anything, just a little recommendation on some people to go to when you want to laugh. This week, I want to draw your attention to Brian Scolaro.

I met Brian when I was neck deep in the thick of the comedy scene in LA. He has the unique ability to make me laugh at the very core of my being. He does a but about sports fanatics shouting out that had me on the floor gasping for air. that He is all at once relatable and ridiculous. I’ve been lucky to be on a few shows with Brian and it is a delight to watch hm work. What’s more he’s a great and unassuming guy off stage.

Many episodes ago, I mentioned this bit on TANcast. I still think it’s an amazing piece of wroting/performance. (It just sucks that Comedy Central bleeps it)

Comedy Central Presents Friday 10pm / 9c
Brian Scolaro – Church on Drugs
Comedy Central Funny Videos Funny TV Shows

The video just doesn’t do him the full justice. This is a comic I HIGHLY recommended you see live! If you’re in the San Francisco area, he’ll be at the Punchline October 12ht-15th. (Or you can check his schedule for when he’ll be playing near you)

Bottom line…Brian Scolaro: This Guy Is Funny!!!

One Response to “TGIF: (This Guy Is Funny) Brian Scolaro”

  1. MirandaNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m starting to think you’re purposely adding typos to your posts.

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