Where's my nipple?


TANcast 166 – Nothing Like A Little Racism To Cheer You Up…On 9-11

September 11th, 2011 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week: Noah reports on his Mexico adventure, Andy tells part 2 of his trip to San Francisco, and Noah spoils the movies Buried and Saw VII (and Saw I).

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs were sent in by Bob, Erin, and Luisa.
Send in YOUR jokes to us at fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com


Map of Where Noah Was in Mexico

“Napster Baaaaad!” Video


5 Responses to “TANcast 166 – Nothing Like A Little Racism To Cheer You Up…On 9-11”

  1. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    Wow, that’s got to be the quickest turnaround yet. Have you ever posted on the same day you recorded?

  2. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    It’s been a while. But the wife took the kid to a party so I had enough time to slap this bad boy together.

  3. Latino_JessNo Gravatar Says:

    Trust me, you didn’t offend any DBZ fans, those are things we dislike about the show as well, but this has been going on in nerd culture forever. They got similar histories, being sent to Earth before the destruction of their various planets, and have similar powers except Supes has heat and x-ray vision and super breath, and Goku can travel at the speed of light and has energy projection. So I’m guessing it’s pretty much the same as Superman vs Cap. Marvel or Darkside only with subtitles. What gets me is that you might be the only three nerds that may not have heard of this hypothetical fight before.

  4. Grace (Former #1Redheadeddisneyfreak now #1 Gingerdisneyfreak)No Gravatar Says:

    I have gained you a new fan! Yay! thank me later!

  5. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    Wow … did you guys record at .. midnight? 😛

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