Better than nothing.


TANcast 152 – Roundhouse Kick His Face Into Oblivion

June 7th, 2011 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

It’s (almost) all about superheroes this week! Superhero movies, superhero alter egos, and superhero costumes! Plus it’s roundhouse kicks to the death on Monday Night TANfights as Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap faces off against Walker: Texas Ranger!

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

Get official TANcast T-shirts, mugs, hats and more in the official TANstore: http://www.cafepress.com/tancast

This week’s TANlaughs were sent in stolen from Ralph Garman via Hollywood Babble-On.
Send in YOUR jokes to us at fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

(Listen to podcast at the bottom of these links)

Cracked Article About Movie Trailers

Cracked Photoplasty Contest Where Tm Placed 18th, 17th and 16th

REAL Green Lantern Costume

“Weird: The Al Yankovic Story” (Mock Trailer)

Scott Bakula Shirtless (1)

Chuck Norris Picture

Scott Bakula Shirtless (1)

List of the Biggest Penises In Hollywood


8 Responses to “TANcast 152 – Roundhouse Kick His Face Into Oblivion”

  1. Latino_JessNo Gravatar Says:

    So…in First Class, do Nightcrawler’s parents, (Azazel an Mystique), actually hook up or not? Plus the First Class uniforms reminds me more of Xorn’s costume rather than the Generation 1 X-Men uniforms for some reason.

  2. Latino_JessNo Gravatar Says:

    Oh, and to be even more of a geek, Superman can rape himself. There is a character called Kon-El, the current Superboy who has half of Superman’s DNA. So, not only would he be raping himself, but his son, as well as Lex Luthor.

  3. ChristinaNo Gravatar Says:

    Really? Sounded more like an episode of “Queer Eye For The Straight Guy”

  4. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    When I saw the album art for this week’s show. This is all that came to mind: http://youtu.be/zo1kNGGEle0

  5. GinoNo Gravatar Says:

    Cant wait to hear this episode. Been away from TANcast for a while.

  6. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    “NO CAPES!”

  7. HaleNo Gravatar Says:

    My sister is classmates/sort-of friends with Liam Neeson’s son… Apparently, one day, he spit in her mouth during a chapel service, trying to annoy her.

  8. JennNo Gravatar Says:

    Yes, I’m ridiculously behind on TANcast, but I just have to comment on how great this episode was. If you were driving in LA this evening and saw a blonde laughing hysterically in her car by herself, that might have been me. Love all the superhero talk. You know, I can’t help having fond memories of “Walker, Texas Ranger,” because I watch it with my grandmother when I visit her. I was completely unaware of Liam Neeson’s large penis, and I’m fascinated that it seems to be very important to other men. And guys, you’ve completely changed my opinion of Scott Bakula. I’ve always thought of him as kind of wimpy (and my least-favorite captain). No more! And speaking of Federation Captains, nice to see my favorite on the “Horse Hung Hollywood” list! Make it so, indeed!

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