Sword of Holy Fury


Rejected By Cracked – Fast Food Fiascoes

August 19th, 2010 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Every week Cracked.com does a photo manipulation contest with a different theme.  Some of you may have seen I came in 20th in the latest contest…but what none of you have seen are my entries for earlier contests that didn’t do squat. In light of my recently being pwned by the fake KFC Skinwich, I thought I would share a couple of my entries from the contest with the theme: “Horrible Fast Food Ideas (That Can’t Be Too Far Off)”

I thought sure this would get some love. Look at that thing, it looks like someone ate a cheese pizza and then barfed it up on a hot dog. If you’re on a diet and ever tempted to have some fast food, just book mark this page and stare at that mass of yuck!

This one is a tribute to an old joke by comedian John Hoogasian. That’s all…just had to give the man his props! Go Hoogs!

2 Responses to “Rejected By Cracked – Fast Food Fiascoes”

  1. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Any posting that mentions Hoogasian is a “win” in my book.

  2. me gustaNo Gravatar Says:

    Hey, cracked rejected the Skinwich too. I submitted like Sunday and Monday. ThisIsWhyYoureFat.com also didn’t get back.

    E. coli has potential. Maybe make it look like it’s actually on a burger somehow.

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