Years and years of crapping in your ears.


TANcast 110 – It’s Never Lupus

August 2nd, 2010 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

This week: Andy has a health scare, Noah won’t play “Would You Rather?”, tips on creating a killer game night, the boys celebrate Lisa Simpson’s wedding day, and Tim and Andy have encounters with the French.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s TANlaughs were sent in by Mike, Mike, and Adam.
Send your jokes and/or e-mails to all of us at:
fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com


Tim with Some Audience Members After A Show (Need a Facebook account to view)

Black Couple has White Baby

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Beer Float

Girl Makes Same Dumb Face in a Bunch of Photos (GIF That Makes ANdy Laugh)

Lisa Simpson Wedding Invitation

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Small World at Walt Disney World

Small World at Disneyland


9 Responses to “TANcast 110 – It’s Never Lupus”

  1. Logan (Tancast #1 Annoyed Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I love the taste of gateraid, can’t stand beer (love me some Woodchuck hard cider), and don’t take care of myself…so yeah that theory is debunked.

  2. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    Thank you Andy for that quote “I think having sex with men makes you gay.” I will be using that later, a friend of my husband LOVES to over use the ‘joke’ “you know how I know you’re gay?” Hopefully this will shut his mouth and the joke will die… I hope.

  3. Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    @Logan…why are you annoyed?

  4. Hale (TANcast's #1 Mousetalgia Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    You didn’t do a very good job of explaining WDW’s Small World facade…

    Because Florida has so much more rain and more intense heat than California, Imagineers put the loading area for WDW’s Small World inside. You go inside what looks like any other building in Fantasyland, (or any other dark ride,) that looks like this: http://www.mouseplanet.info/gallery/d/87513-2/MK_iasw_repaint_done2_090703-sullivan.jpg

    Inside, it’s like a warehouse (I guess,) like the picture you have in the notes. It was redone in 2005 to look just like the Disneyland exterior. It’s just a little simpler and more bland.

    According to these pictures, they’re letting WDW’s Small World slip a little… http://micechat.com/forums/walt-disney-world-resort/141498-why-small-world-no-small-problem.html

  5. EricNo Gravatar Says:

    got a good “would you rather.” fuck your mom or kill your mom.

  6. BryanNo Gravatar Says:

    So I looked up Duck Face on Wikipedia after looking at the GIF Andy suggested, and it had an interesting “did you mean” that made me laugh. then I clicked on the “did you mean” link and laughed even more! try it!

  7. GraceNo Gravatar Says:

    Thanks for mentioning me Tim!!

    I FEEL SOOOOO DIRTY!!!! I’M 17!! I know PERSONALLY that I don’t have a dick!!!! lol thanks.

    I went all the way to episode 100. Apparently I did miss it. *Shake head shame* I was wrong. sorry. lol thanx for reading my jokes! You are awesome!!

  8. Logan (Tancast #1 Annoyed Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    @Tim that is from when I listened to about 25 episodes in a row looking for Tea Bag measurement reference for episode 100. Just left it because it fit I guess 🙂

  9. Rick Reed/DJ Technoid (TANcast's No.1 Themesong Creator Fan)_No Gravatar Says:

    @Andy: Don’t forget, I live in Macon and work in Warner Robins. Macon is slightly bigger than a couple blocks, and Warner Robins did totally grow from the Air Force Base there. Macon covers a lot of land, but it is essentially a huge country town. Sux living here for the mostpart, but the rent is cheap, and it is only 5 hours from Walt Disney World, which almost makes it tollerable. Oh yeah, another thing about Macon… it has an interstate bypass, and consecquently it is the “most bypassed city in the United States”.

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