Squirrel of Justice!


Vegas, Baby…VEGAS

April 15th, 2010 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

I’m sure we’ll talk more about this on the next show but I just had to share my name in lights in LAS FUCKING VEGAS, BABY!!!

Having fun in “Sin City.” Talk to you soon.

4 Responses to “Vegas, Baby…VEGAS”

  1. Tony (TANcasts #1 Blues Bros. Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Good show, man. Good show.
    IT’S REAL!!!!
    You’re doin’ it!

  2. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    It’s your name in not enough lights. Still fucking AWESOME though.

  3. NateNo Gravatar Says:

    Make sure to take lots of Mental notes, we wanna hear all about it on TANcast !!!

  4. Alissa (TANcast's #1 Female Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I’m pretty sure I tweeted this at you, but I am so excited for your life right now!
    Like…dreams on their way to coming true and similar bullshit! Wooooo!

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