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There Are Two Kinds Of People In The World…

March 27th, 2010 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Tim Babb’s March Blog Madness: Day 27
As the title of this blog says, there are only two kinds of people in this world; people who have been to Disneyland’s Club 33 and people who have not.

As I type this, I am one kind of person. When you next hear from me, I’ll be the other kind. Hopefully I will have photos and video to bring back from this trip.

(Actually the phrase “there are only two kinds of people in this world…” is lame because it can be used for anything. “There are only two kinds of people in this world…people who listen to TANcast and people who don’t. Guess which one’s are my favorite?)

11 Responses to “There Are Two Kinds Of People In The World…”

  1. JasonNo Gravatar Says:

    So jealous!!! I have wanted to go my whole life. Have a great time Tim!!!

  2. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    I have absolutely no idea what Club 33 is.

  3. Murray (TANcast's #1 Aussie Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    There are two kinds of people in the world, those who have been within 12000km of Disneyland, and those who have not.

  4. Joe Anthrax (TANcast's #1 Conservative Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Say hello to Walt’s cryogenically frozen head for me…OH CRAP, people aren’t supposed to know about that!!!

    When they find my body riddled with 33 bullets, all will know the truth… 😉

    (But seriously, Tim, congrats! I hope you have a great time!)

  5. Melanie (TANcast's #1 MILF)No Gravatar Says:

    the phonebooth is faaaaaake!

    have fun!!

  6. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    I’ve seen photos from a lucky friend who got into Club 33. So hopefully you will be able to video tape your visit. So I can be the person who has never stepped foot into Club 33 but has seen a video and photos of it. 😛

  7. JessNo Gravatar Says:

    So how did you get a chance to go to Club 33? If it involves a hand job, then I don’t want to know.

  8. xapnomapcaseNo Gravatar Says:

    I’ve been! I mostly enjoyed drinking alcohol at Disneyland. It doesn’t take much to amuse me.

  9. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Really no idea what club 33 is and don’t want to google it, hopefully after your next blog I will know more.

  10. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    When TANcast 93 comes out, you will know more than you wanted to 🙂

  11. Melanie (TANcast's #1 MILF/GILF)No Gravatar Says:

    When we went, we have very late reservations, and the Park was all buttoned up when we left. A Club 33 CM walked us out to the gate, but let us go as slowly as we wanted to see what was going on after close. It was cool. The ubby and i went to the Grand Californian to crash, and he was asleep before I even finished brushing my teeth!

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