Sword of Holy Fury


TANcast 087 – Death and We Are The World

February 15th, 2010 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

The Boys review We Are the World 25 for Haiti, Tim and Noah see Kevin Smith at Macworld, snow makes stupid driver’s near Andy’s house, Tim reviews Ovo from Cirque du Soleil, you’ll view the “Hollywood” audition process through Tim’s eyes, the boys talk about the tragedy at the Olympics, and they talk about Kevin Smith’s experience with Southwest Airlines.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

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This week’s Tanlaughs were sent in by Dave in the UK, Todd, and Nate.
Send your jokes and/or e-mails to all of us at:
fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

Vote for TANcast at Podcast Alley:

(download the podcast at the bottom of these links)

We Are The World for Haiti Donation Site:

Carmen’s Comedy Club Website


Anna Torv (The Lady from Fringe) Topless

Tim asks Kevin Smith a Question at Macworld

8 Romantic Songs You Didn’t Know Were About Rape

Noah’s Link About Masturbating That Tim STILL Hasn’t Watched
(Suck it, Noah!)

People Bailing Out OF Car as it Goes Down Slick Street

Car Pinball

Tim’s Stolen Hat Story

“I’m In Miami, Bitch” by LMFAO

Kevin Smith Thrown Off Southwest Flight for Being Fat

Kevin Smith’s “Look How Fat I Am” Pic

SModcast About the Southwest Incident


27 Responses to “TANcast 087 – Death and We Are The World”

  1. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    what really ticks me off about people begging for money are those who are in Pasadena, (wearing what looks like American Eagle, Pac Sun, clothes) asking me for money. Then when I say “I don’t have any change on me” then they ask for a credit card number. YES cause that’s a GREAT idea, I’ll give you MY credit card number. I’m sure you’ll only take the little amount you need.
    Here’s an idea, walk about a block down the street and inquire Jack In The Box about the “Help Wanted” sign they have out front! 😛

  2. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Chelsea FTW!!! 🙂

  3. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    What’s funny is that two of our friends who’re married have pegged. He enjoyed it, but she didn’t. Gross.

  4. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Only two listens fess up to having crocs? I call bullshit. It feels like walking in two warm vaginas. Own it, Andy!

  5. Kristopher (TANcast #1 Gay fan)No Gravatar Says:

    How do you not know who LMFAO is? Their music is fun, their lyrics remind me of the humor I got from these podcasts. Oh well I guess you guys are just getting OLD!

  6. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Im 27 is that old, have no clue who LMFAO is, never heard of them.

    Bryce TMI.

    I saw or read this thing on MSNBC one time about how those people begging for money in big cities make more than if they actually had a job, and some people actually have a job as well and do it on the side for….spare change…crazy.

  7. BryceNo Gravatar Says:

    If THAT was TMI, how do you listen to Tancast?

  8. Alissa (TANcast's #1 Female Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    LMFAO is hilarious. Just sayin.
    And 27 is ancient Logan, didn’t you know? Lol I kid I kid.

  9. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    I was just kidding around Bryce. Just does not sound like a fun way to share a afternoon with the wife….”hey honey want to pop me in the pooper?”….”Sure thing hun let me just get my strap on.” Not to mention the smell. haha

  10. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Yeah, it kind of freaked me out as well. I can’t really look at them the same anymore.

  11. Melanie (TANcast's #1 MILF/GILF)No Gravatar Says:

    If 27 is ancient, WTF am I (35)?

  12. Jerry BrandtNo Gravatar Says:

    Great show this week. The caveman stuff at the end had me laughing till tears came out of my eyes. Thanks for always bringing the funny guys.

  13. Melanie (TANcast's #1 MILF)No Gravatar Says:

    Tim, never drive from LA to Vegas unless you have to! One year, on New Year’s Freaking Eve, I drove hubby to LAX to fly to Vegas, then stopped and got donuts, then stopped in Barstow for outlet shopping, then stopped at Stateline for gas and outlet shopping, and then drove on to Vegas.

    I got to the hotel only about 20 minutes after he did.

  14. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    That sounds like I shouldn’t FLY to Vegas from LA. Sounds like it took your husband almost as long flying as you did driving (even stopping a bunch of times)

  15. Melanie (TANcast's #1 MILF/GILF)No Gravatar Says:

    Yes. Melanie-fail. Never FLY to Vegas from LA. Drive. Always drive. Plus, you’ll never have a flight delay. or be stuck looking for a cab, shuttle to or from the airport, etc.

    And lesson to me: don’t hurry when I’m commenting on TANcast at work. Take as much of my boss’s time as necessary to get it right. 🙂

  16. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Bryce but now you can look at your buddy when he is having a bad day and go “What the hell is stuck up your ass…” and look over at his wife on the word ass and just stare at her 🙂

  17. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:


    Also, I’ve been looking at my black Crocs in shame lately. No one has made me this self-conscious that I’ve actually met in person.

  18. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Are you kind of getting sick of Kevin Smith insulting skinny people? It’s starting to bother me with the whole “us vs. them” mentality. SW fucked up, but it wasn’t a vast conspiracy against fat people. I think he’s taking it too hard and too personally. I’ve been insulted many times by people for many different reasons, but he’s just being annoying now.
    I used to feel bad for him because of this, but he’s just whining now. Kind of sucks, because I respect the guy.

  19. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Kevin smith said he doesn’t really care and at this point its just a big FUCK U to SW on the issue. I think the Pot is having some effect on his debating skills, but that has gone on for a while. Have you seen some of the nasty shit that people are commenting on the news article about his incident. Very vulgar things statements pointed at him because he is heavy set. Nothing to do with him personally just his weight and how fat people are smelly and gross, etc…

    I think Kevin is just responding to that. I am no wheres near as heavy as Kevin Smith but I totally understand what him and that girl are going through because I see people being biased all the time here in Ithaca. Just kind of sad on all accounts.

  20. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I think those people weren’t necessarily trying to pick on fat people as much as try to go by the guidelines they were taught. I doubt it was as personal as he feels it was.

  21. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Oh I think your right as far as the people at SW are concerned, but I meant the people on the blogs and comment sections of the articles were being extremely rude. He mentioned how nice the one stewardess was. It all comes down to SW should have never even offered him the single seat considering they could look at him and know how big he was and if he was or was not a “person of size”. But afterall he met their criteria for fitting in the seal, and he had people on both sides of him who were fine, so who knows.

    I think he will let this go next week. Doesn’t cop out come out this weekend, that will probably take importance in his podcasts, and twitter feed.

  22. VrejNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m surprised SW hasn’t implemented standing room holding bars to the top of the cabin like in city buses. I can see teh tagline now….

    “SouthWest Airlines, so popular that we have standing room only”

    or better they can just create human sized USPS flat rate boxes and then you can travel to someplace for only $20.00 (Fragile costs extra).

  23. Joe Anthrax (TANcast's #1 Conservative Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Being late to the game as ususal, I just watched the We Are The World 25 video on Youtube…and my reaction is about the same as Andy’s. It is amazing how the greatest performers of today (notice I am NOT using the word singers) can take an average song about a serious subject and turn it into the audio equivalent of being kicked in the nuts. Aside from the T-Pain vocoded part in the middle, the part that made me cringe/want to jump through the internet and smack someone was the part where Jamie Foxx (?) lipsynced to Ray Charles’ original lyrics. Just because you portray him in a movie, doesn’t mean you get to be him in real life. That irked me more than Justin Bieber at the beginning, and that really irked me!

  24. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Joe, you may be less irked to know that Jamie Foxx actually sang in Ray’s voice “He can do a pretty good Ray Charles impression….check out the song “Golddigger”) I liked that they did shout outs to the two original artists that had died.

  25. Joe Anthrax (TANcast's #1 Conservative Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Tim, I’m not certain if that makes me feel better or not. Since that really is Foxx singing, he does do a remarkable job at sounding like Ray Charles. However, I think it would have been more respectful to do, as they did in the case of Michael and Janet Jackson, a duet with archival footage. That way Jamie Foxx could sing in his own voice to compliment Ray Charles’ original lyrics.

    But the one good thing that could come out of this resurgence of “cause music” would be the re-imagining of “Tears Are Not Enough”, the Canadian version of “We Are The World”, done entirely by Nickelback and Avril Lavigne!!! SCORE!!!

  26. Murray (TANcast's #1 Aussie Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I saw a bogan at the local supermarket tonight. Black t-shirt, black jeans, I-wear-these-at-all-times-looking dirty orange crocs. It made me think of Andy. 😛

  27. Hale (TANcast's #1 Mousetalgia Fan)No Gravatar Says:


    Can we please, please, please make that , like, a ringtone or something?

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