Are you a "couple" when there's three of you?


Poor Snow White…

December 9th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

I was in the Disneyanna shop on Main Street at Disneyland when I saw a display of figures. Now why would they do this to Snow White?

That’s just not fair. Jessica Rabbit has humongous boobs!

Snow White has…well…she has a great personality!

I just can’t imagine why they made these two room mates. This has got to be killing Snow’s self esteem. She’s going to snap and kill Jessica in her sleep and then stuff her ginormous toon globes down the front of her dress like some weird, animated version of Buffalo Bill!

And it’s not like they’re even being subtle about it…

It’s just adding insult to injury to put “bust” under Snow White’s picture. Hang in there, Snow. Breasts aren’t everything. Don’t let Jessica’s Toon-a-licious rack intimidate you. You do your own thing, girlfriend!

5 Responses to “Poor Snow White…”

  1. MirandaNo Gravatar Says:

    What I don’t get is why they included Jessica’s hips and upper thighs for her bust.

  2. REGNo Gravatar Says:

    If you look closer – Snow White doesnt even have Character…Just a bird

  3. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Jessica only goes as far as playing patty-cake. Snow will sleep with 7 dudes… OK, 3 3/4 if you add them all up…

  4. Alissa (TANcast's #1 Female Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    (I think it’s because Jessica Rabbit is awesome.)

  5. Jason Mayer StudioNo Gravatar Says:

    yeah this is nuts, and they included that extra stuff cause her character. Shes a sexy rabbit.

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