… then take walk in park.


TANcast 075 – Saggy Baloney Nipples

November 23rd, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)


This week, Noah joins Twitter, Andy slams the Darwin Awards movie, Tim visits the Walt Disney Family Museum, the boys play “Guess her Muff” (those two really shouldn’t have followed each other), Noah presents another installment of his “Cooking By The Book” feature, Tim and Noah get into a stupid argument, and Andy reviews the season finale of South Park.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

This week’s Tanlaughs were sent in by Dave and Mike (maybe?)
Send your jokes and/or e-mails to all of us at:
fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

Vote for TANcast at Podcast Alley:

(download the podcast at the bottom of these links)

Guess Her Muff (NSFW)

Tim Binds His Hands in Duct Tape (video)


23 Responses to “TANcast 075 – Saggy Baloney Nipples”

  1. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Just what I need to get me through a Monday, a big helping of Bologna!

  2. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    You really need that auto leveling software. My ears hurt after this episode, even though it was one of the funnier ones. I worry it may be one of the reasons for people leaving your podcast.

  3. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Actually for some reason Andy’s audio recorded SUPER hot (loud) this week. No matter what I did his track was too loud. I finally gave up and tried to make everybody as loud as Andy and then lower the master volume when I was done.

    …and that “Behind the Scenes of Failure”

  4. VrejNo Gravatar Says:

    Watch this video you’ll learn everything you need to know about Norway

  5. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    Vrej, that video was awesome. Made of win. I fully expected to see the video shown at the end of the Norway ride at EPCOT, and instead laughed my ass off.

  6. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    What brings you initially to Disney and then TANcast?

  7. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    I love the extra features Tim 🙂

  8. BrianNo Gravatar Says:


    have you broadcast your thoughts on the end of scene/unseen, yet?

  9. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Not yet, Brian. I predict it will come up soon, though.

  10. BrianNo Gravatar Says:

    dam their success!!
    i will miss them. tried slash film for awhile, but couldn’t stay interested. i know they do their show live, but they to edit some shit out.

  11. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Yeah this is the 3rd movie podcast to break my heart.

    1st was “Movies You Should See,” they ditched one of their greatest contributes (Mike Dawson, friend of the show) and the show became unlistenable

    2nd was Mean Dawg Top 5 Who just stopped posting episodes

    Now Scene Unseen calls it quits. That’s why you should stick with TANcast…we’ve got nothing better to do. lol

  12. BrianNo Gravatar Says:

    neither do i.
    job schmob.

  13. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    Bryce, I think that people who are bigger-than-average Disney fans (at The Disney Store, we used to call them “Disnidiots”, even though “we” some of “them”) are twisted in some way. TANcast is just a natural extension of twistedosity.

    As for me, I heard Van on Netcot. Anyone else?

  14. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    Melanie-fail. Obviously I heard Van on Netcot, but it was hearing Tim that brought me over here.

  15. Mike (TANcast's #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I was looking at random comedians, found Tim’s Kingdom Comedy. Followed the link over from one of his videos. Been hooked ever since (I blame Andy, actually. Him and his damn rants!)

  16. Victoria ( Number 1 FANGIRL)No Gravatar Says:

    It was Van’s Netcot that brought me over here. I can’t thank him enough. But then Tim dragged me to Distorted View…and the rest is history.

  17. xapnomapcaseNo Gravatar Says:

    Wait…I haven’t listened to the last Scene/Unseen. It’s…over? This is how you tell me?

  18. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    I just listened today. Thanks for the Hippapy Buthuthday, as Winnie the Pooh calls it. I told my husband that I am now Queen of the Internet, since I got HB’d on TANcast.

    And speaking of queens of the internet, oddly enough, checking out Guess Her Muff with my boss would actually fly. But he’s my uncle, so I’d feel dirty. Oh, so dirty.

  19. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    Hey look, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSDj7bjAv2s
    It’s Andy & Noah ;D

  20. Victoria ( Number 1 FANGIRL)No Gravatar Says:

    Oh and finally finishing the show. Tim you lucky lucky man! I can’t believe you went to see the Walt Disney museum. I wanna go!

  21. Jason (Just a TANcast Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I got onto the site to see if the new tancast was up yet and my girlfriend was looking at the screen and immediately pointed to the show title and said ” That’s not how you spell bologna!” She then became even more upset because a package of bologna was in the art for the episode with the word bologna right on it. Tim fail!

  22. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I originally had it correct but when I was looking for album art “baloney” got more hits than “bologna.” So I went with the spelling that got more hits. I yielded to the stupidity of the masses for this, rather than my own stupidity. …oh and TANcast 76 is still a few days away (I’m hanging with my mom ’til tomorrow night)

  23. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Thanks fer nuthin, guys… majority of Thanksgiving weekend eaten up by guessing people’s muffs

    Bologna/baloney is like catsup/ketchup and by that I mean, “Who really cares?”

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