Sword of Holy Fury


TANcast 074 – Get Out Of My Butt

November 16th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)


This week, Tim revisits the eternal million dollar question, the boys discuss Body Mass Index (BMI), Tim and Noah have the great Pizza debate, Tim and Andy make fun of contestants on game shows, Tim bemoans the mediocrity of the “CSI Trilogy” (Plus The Mentalist, House, and Fringe), Tim and Andy hate on Star Trek: Voyager, Andy tells a “had to be there story,” and the show ends as it should…as it must…with talk of poop.

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

This week’s Tanlaughs were sent in by Todd and Jo
Send your jokes and/or e-mails to all of us at:
fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

Vote for TANcast at Podcast Alley:

(download the podcast at the bottom of these links)

BMI Index Chart

Justin Timberlake Googly Eyes Commercial

Justin Timberlake Speed Reader Commercial

The Pizza Poll

Family Feud “September”

Family Feud “Turkey”

(Lesbian?) Goth Wedding – AKA Women, Don’t Shave The Front Of Your Heads

Elf Flash Mob in NYC

Worst Places to Fart

Voyager’s Shuttle Craft Problem (NERD ALERT…for true geeks only!)


12 Responses to “TANcast 074 – Get Out Of My Butt”

  1. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    Speaking of people who keep calling and not listening to you when you say “nope they still don’t live here”… I had a person who called three times in a row, I answered all three times. And surprisingly on the last call the person on the other line said “well do you know how I can get a hold of them?” SERIOUSLY!? Yes, this person does not live here anymore, but they decided to leave contact information for whoever lives here next in case you decided to call!

  2. LoganNo Gravatar Says:


    On another note, if your listener ship has dropped by 25% those are just the people that where mooching off from the free porn pics. The rest are all hardcore lovers of your perfect podcast. Keep it up I have enjoyed 74 episodes and hope you at least do 74 more.


  3. GinoNo Gravatar Says:

    “Fuck you brain I’m gonna go drink” Classic Andy.

  4. Jason (Just a TANcast Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Tim, you read my mind. As soon as you said steamship I immediately heard the Mark Twain dialogue in my head and you immediately went there. I laughed so hard. Kudos to you Tim! Don’t get down about the stats you just lost the shitty listeners and keep the good ones who love you guys. Keep it up!

  5. NateNo Gravatar Says:

    Well by your own admission TIM you actually discourage people from listening to your pod cast. Andy won’t let people know that he’s even involved in TANcast in real life. Noah tired from lugging his huge penis around all day so can’t be bothered. That being the case the only people who are trying to beef up your audience is the fans… I guess even we have gotten lazy. Maybe it’s time for a TANcast street team, Facebook group or something like that.

  6. Craig from MassNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m a relatively new listener, thanks to Tim’s guest spot on Netcot, but I’ve enjoyed the shows a lot, and look forward to them each week. Fuck stats.

  7. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I really hope I didn’t come off as complain-y about the stats. I, like Andy, am truly awed that people find this interesting enough to spend an hour of their week listening to it. I appreciate you all so much who do listen and I’m not really sweating the folks who’ve stopped…

    …but it does make you wonder what we said that caused such a mass exitus? What did we say that 1/4 of the people listening heard and went “FUCK THIS” and clicked off? Just makes you wonder.

    But don’t worry…we don’t do the show for the people who DON’T listen…fuck them. We do it for you…and mostly ourselves…but you too 🙂

  8. Alissa (TANcast's #1 Female Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Tim, I told my coworker, Adrien, who freaked out about how I “know” you, about TANcast. So we’ll see. Lol.

  9. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    The show hasn’t really changed since you started as far as vulgarity or crudeness. I say stick with it, maybe add some background music, do another drunken podcast, or game night and see where it goes.

  10. VrejNo Gravatar Says:

    You know what would get people to listen? money and tits. You should send those to your listeners.

  11. Melanie ("The Princess")No Gravatar Says:

    I’ll take your money, but you can keep your tits. I have my own. Unless Andy’s are bigger than mine. Then I’ll take his.

    Still loving the TANcast. I laughed my ass of at something in the show today, but I can’t remember what – my memory’s shit. But I do remember getting pissed at Noah saying “Have a week” and calling the podcast with almost 30 minutes to go. Finding a place to pick up 5 shots while I’m on the way back to work is difficult, at best.

    Of course, that could be why I was laughing my ass off, and why my memory’s shit.

  12. Melanie ("The Princess")No Gravatar Says:

    Fuck. Forgot to mention. I HATE CSI:Miami because they film very near my office and are constantly fucking up my paths of travel. Fuck them. Fuck. Them. fuckthem.

    But for great medical reviews of House, Fringe, and comic books, check out politdissent.com.

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