Validating the Validity


A Tough Decision

October 29th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

I have recently gone to the theater to see “Michael Jackson’s This Is It.” It was a great movie. Not in the way that Casablanca was a great movie, but in the way that it was a chance to spend a final 2 hours with MJ watching him do what he did best: sing and dance.

I don’t think there’s another artist alive or dead that I would sit down and watch almost 2 hours of them. Not to take anything away from the Beatles or Elvis or Sinatra, but after a couple songs, I’m full. But this movie could have gone on longer and I would have still been on board.

What’s great is it doesn’t try to be super over emotional/sentimental like “he’s dead and you should be sad.” It just shows the footage of him going through the songs that you loved. Seeing him tweaking things and planning. I thought it was very interesting and also a chance to watch him perform one last time.

It is a shame that the This Is It tour will never happen. He/they put a lot into that show. It’s not like he was just gonna put on his glove and fedora and moonwalk for a few songs and collect a check…he was putting on A SHOW!!! Cirque du MJ, if you will.

And that leads me to my “Tough Decision.” Last year it was rumored that the reason the Las Vegas Hilton removed the Star Trek Experience was to make room for a Michal Jackson stage. At the time, I was quite irritated about this (as long time listeners of the show are probably already aware).

But as I sat there and watched the fantastic things that they were creating to augment the talent of Michael, I am forced to reconcile whether it was a worthy replacement to the Star Trek Experience. I would have loved to have seen that show. It MIGHT have been worth giving up The Experience to see.

…sadly. Now I get neither.

2 Responses to “A Tough Decision”

  1. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    ….bummer. Are you ok, Tim? You seem very nostalgic and sad lately.

  2. Melanie ("The Princess")No Gravatar Says:

    Sad face for mopey Tim. But you can always shop at my Albertsons, which seems to play an astonishing about of MJ.

    By the way – Andy, if you miss more posts, can WE punch you in the nuts? On a serious note, hope all is well.

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