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Attention Whore Fail

October 17th, 2009 . by Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)

Andy’s October of Suckage: Day 17

I think I’ve been clear on my feelings towards attention-starved media whores.

On October 15th, the world waited for a little boy to pop out of a balloon his pseudo-scientist (oops, the polite term is “amateur scientist”) father built, or else for him to die horribly so we could all shake our heads and say “what a shame”, then resume searching the web for celebrity porn tapes. It turned out mostly okay.

Late that night, Wolf Blitzer, in his best imitation of Larry King, missed the little boy apparently giving away that the whole situation was a hoax (check out the 40s mark).

I was entirely unsurprised. Maybe it is because I assume people who have been on Wife Swap are attention whores. Maybe it is because I paid attention to Mythbusters. Or to Aesop.

Now the local authorities have begun investigations, and it seems Richard will have some ‘splaining to do.

This is the story I’ve been looking forward to; the one where the asshole who wasted time and taxpayer money gets what’s coming.


3 Responses to “Attention Whore Fail”

  1. Melanie ("The Princess")No Gravatar Says:

    Why, whenever I see this title, do I read it as “Attention: Whore Fail”, and think the article is about somthing else entirely?

  2. LoganNo Gravatar Says:

    Yeah me too on the title. But Andy come on you know they arn’t going to do anything to him, probably just a slap on the wrist, when in reality he should get a a very large bill from the state for all the BS they put them through.


  3. Murray (TANcast's #1 Aussie fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Something just feels wrong about there being no picture of Paris Hilton on a page with this title.

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