May Cause Anal Leakage


Cutting It Close

September 17th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

30 Days and 30 Blogs: Day 16

Uh oh…it’s 11:53pm as I start this blog. Fortunately, I have decided that the blog doesn’t have to be published by midnight, just started. (It’s my blog so it’s my rules)

I just unofficially came in 4th place in my first night of the San Francisco Comedy Competition. (Side note: if it weren’t for Spell-Check, I would never be able to spell “competition.” Every time I think I have it right, I get the little red squiggly line under it.)

4th place may not sound like the best thing ever (won’t even get you a medal in the Olympics), but I felt pretty darn good about it. The top 5 from this round move on to the next round, 4th place is kinda like the D+ that I got in my plant biology class in college, it isn’t the best grade ever, but it got me my degree.

It’s also just great to be in this competition. SO many others have been in this thing before me: Robin Williams, Dane Cook, Ellen DeGeneres, Dana Carvey, etc. So often in LA I’m on the same stages that so many legends have performed on but I feel so removed from their time. Yes, Richard Pryor performed here on his way up, but the scene and the circumstances were completely different.

This feels so much more similar. 5 nights, 5 minutes, 5 top finishers…it’s the same pressure and stakes that everyone in this contest before me has faced.

…now it’s time to see if I have it in me…or if that drunk lady in Temecula was right…and I suck.

One Response to “Cutting It Close”

  1. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    You don’t suck Tim.

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