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TANcast 065 – Trying to Pay Next Week’s Bills with This Week’s Funny

September 13th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

After a brief musical interlude, you’ll hear: Tim sharing his love for Auto-Tune the News, Noah sharing his love for half naked women, Andy sharing his love for the Bloudhound Gang, Andy’s naked baby causing problems, Tim and Andy hating on termites, ugly pigs needing love too, Kevin Smith tweeting up a storm, too much body modification talk, Tim failing at being a D23 member, stressing at game night, a teacher has to resort to porn, and finally the boys get lost in a world of Princess Leia’s metal bikini.

Here is a link to the I *Heart* TANcast picture for you to put on your social networking site to win out Talking Joke Box contest: http://tancast.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08/I-heart-TANcast-flyer.jpg

This week’s TANlaughs were submitted by Victoria and Todd.
Send your jokes and/or e-mails to all of us at:
fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

Vote for TANcast at Podcast Alley:

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts but is NOT a representation of the stand up act of Tim Babb. Listener discretion is advised.

(download the podcast at the bottom of these links)

The Video of Tim’s Haunted Mansion/Thriller mash-up

Tim’s Blog about the Right Wing

Auto-Tune the News

Random Girlie Pictures that Noah Found

More Random Girlie Pictures that Noah Found (redheads)

The red headed girl that made Andy yell “turn around” in his head

“Ugly” Baby Pig

San Francisco Comedy Competition Schedule

Fired Teacher Turns to Porn

Noah suggests you look at pic 3

Andy’s CosPlay Winner

Website Devoted Exclusively to Leia’s Metal Bikini

A Leia-licious picture Andy found

A Brutal Reminder that life isn’t Fair


21 Responses to “TANcast 065 – Trying to Pay Next Week’s Bills with This Week’s Funny”

  1. NateNo Gravatar Says:

    Holy crap… I’ve gotta stop checking the show links at work… the “Red Head” link could have gotten me fired. On that note… Andy I agree!

  2. Jason (TANcast's Newest CA Resident Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Pigs arent even cute as babies. If i saw that thing in real life i would be scared. The makin bacon with macon the pig is on the season 2 box set of south park. It is aweful to watch the pig eat bacon, and it doesnt even care. anyways awesome show. laughed my ass off.

  3. Jason (TANcast's Newest CA Resident Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Damn you Tim! You stole my witty comment about the zombie princess leia. FML

  4. Gino (TANcasts #1 US Marine fan)No Gravatar Says:

    What the **** is up with Kanye look at me West? Holy friggin crap.

    And that teach that got canned is pretty bangin. I watched one of her “films” last night… (well clips).

  5. Matt (tancasts #1 and only Reno fan)No Gravatar Says:

    tim you should have used the vincent price version from the phantom maner to tie in whith your thriller remix.

  6. Victoria ( Number 1 FANGIRL)No Gravatar Says:

    Wooo! I’ve had a joke read by all of the TAN guys!!!!!! I rule…
    Loving the latest episodes!

  7. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    What an ep – from TIM’s Duran Duran homage (they wallpapered my room when I was young, and they were on my t-shirt today when I listened to the ‘cast…) to Andy’s unholy obsession with The Bloodhound Gang… this was a trip back to my youth.

    I loved The Bloodhound Gang whenI was a kid. The black girls hair kinda freaked me out, but it was my favorite part of 3-2-1 Contact. I even subscribed to the 3-2-1 Contact magazine, as I recall…

    If you’ve got the cri-i-ime, we’ve got the ti-i-ime…We’re the Bloodhound Gang!

    Cha cha cha!

  8. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    Oh, and Victoria, I call bullshit on your “title” of #1 fangirl. Chickfight, after school. By the Dumpster. In the mud.


  9. Victoria ( Number 1 FANGIRL)No Gravatar Says:


  10. Victoria ( Number 1 FANGIRL)No Gravatar Says:

    actually lets let the guys figure out who is the number 1 fangirl.

  11. Jess (TANcasts OG #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:


  12. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Oh Victoria…I’m sorry but the guys aren’t gonna decide. No way we’re getting in the way of a chick fight in the mud! This is the closest the boys have ever been to having two girls fighting over them 😉

    I’m gonna go get some popcorn…

  13. ChelseaNo Gravatar Says:

    Tim, just wanted to let you know, that you have indeed trump my sister for being the biggest Disney fan. I had recently showed her one of your Disney video, figuring that since she’s got a Disney yearly pass & a D23, or D32 card thing. She would find your videos entertaining. She just watched in silence and then said “wow, he’s a Disney freak”

  14. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    OH YES I DID! Victoria, you ripped my TANcast tank top! Argh – attack!

  15. Victoria ( Number 1 FANGIRL)No Gravatar Says:

    Goddammit! You broke my nails!!!!!!!!!! And my tancast sunglasses!

  16. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    Oh. It’s ON!!!!!!!!!!!

    Should we call it a draw?

  17. Victoria ( Number 1 FANGIRL)No Gravatar Says:

    I suppose. Why cant we both just be fangirls?

  18. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    Fair enough. We can be like Mia and Tia from Cars.

    Sorry Disney cross-over joke.

    Sorry, fanboys, there will be no more virtual ripping of imaginary TANcast clothing. Or mud.

  19. Tim Babb (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    You may think differently once I post the next episode….or not 🙂

  20. Victoria ( Number 1 FANGIRL)No Gravatar Says:

    I don’t mind the Disney, though I’d prefer Star Trek. I am an avid fan of both. Oh, Tim, do I want to know what the next episode is about? Or not.

  21. MelanieNo Gravatar Says:

    Looking forward to it, Tim, now get to work editing! 🙂

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