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TANcast 046 – What Happens in TANcast 46 STAYS in TANcast 46

April 19th, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

[CONTENT WARNING] TANcast features mature language and immature hosts. Listener discretion is advised.

The TANcasters take embarrassing themselves to a new level in this episode. Besides Noah and Tim’s childish bickering you’ll hear about: harming children, worst cases of food poisoning, new rules for the TANcast Drinking Game, pie vs cake, Barbara Streisand’s legs, retro active abortions, advice to murderers for escaping CSI, late night TV, shot/strange relationships, taxes, Panda Express attacks, baby self love, strip clubs, and the curse of the TANhouse.

This week’s TANlaughs were submitted by Heidi, Tony, and DJ Technoid!!!
Send your jokes and/or e-mails to:
fucktards(at)TANcast.com or YourMom(at)TANcast.com

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Monty Python Cheese Shop Sketch:


17 Responses to “TANcast 046 – What Happens in TANcast 46 STAYS in TANcast 46”

  1. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    The “laughing place” song seems to pop up on my ipod way too frequently. Especially when I’m climbing cranes and can’t turn it off. It was cute and charming at first, but now it sounds like the soundtrack to hell. I love the ride, but that song makes my eyes twitch.

  2. Mike (TANcast's #1 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Damn you! That ending had me in stitches, and I don’t know why. I just… couldn’t stop laughing! I think I laughed harder at that then the rest of the show.

  3. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    Wow…Tony Joke Fail.
    My bad.

  4. Tim (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    no joke fail…Noah and I laughed. I just re-listened to make sure

  5. Gino (TANcast's #1 fan in the military)No Gravatar Says:

    I looooooooooooooooove this TAN laugh intro! Man, I miss Disneyland. Tim, are you going to be the asshole to sue panda express for giving you hot food. You know, kinda like the lady who sued McD’s for giving her Hot coffee and it not saying HOT! And I love the ending, i couldnt stop lauging.

  6. Tim (TANcasts #1 Host/Editor Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Okay there’s a difference between boiling hot coffee and meat sitting under a sad little heat lamp. And it was so hot my lip is blistering and bleeding 3 days later. So Panda can suck my nuts…or the puss leaking out of my lip.

  7. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    It was fun suggesting topics.

  8. Gino (TANcast's #1 fan in the military)No Gravatar Says:

    Only joking Timbo

  9. Jess (TANcasts 1200th Customer)No Gravatar Says:

    I decided to finish listening to this weeks TANcast while taking a crap.

    Then the episode ended and all I heard was laughing.

    Now every time I go to the bathroom, I’m fearful that there are three dudes that will begin to laugh at me.

    If I get some colon infection from fear of shitting, I’m suing TANcast.


  10. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Jess. The show was CLEARLY labeled. You can’t sue.

  11. Jess (TANcasts 1200th Customer)No Gravatar Says:

    so are cigarettes, but that doesn’t stop people from suing them!

    TANcast needs to be held responsible for it’s actions!!!

  12. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    Yeah, sue Tim a little extra for ‘promising’ he would “blag” the other day and didn’t. I know he just made a Kingdom Comedy, but he didn’t even blog about it.

  13. Jess (TANcasts 1200th Customer)No Gravatar Says:

    I’m beginning to think Tim is cheating on us with another podcast fan community.

    I thought he loved us, now I just don’t know.

    Hey Andy: How’s the new job?

  14. DJ Technoid (TANcast's Numberless Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    OK, so my joke sucked…
    Kingdom Comedy… a new one, brb!

  15. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    Yeah, Tim….I heard the laughter when I was listening to the cast through my Zune headphones instead of my laptop’s speakers.
    And if I ever run into ya at DLR we can go hit CHEESECAKE Factory. 🙂
    And according to his Twitter, Tim spent an hour typing up a blag post and wordpress lost it. That was a couple hours ago.

  16. Bryce (Tancasts #3 Fan)No Gravatar Says:

    I think he may have to block the word ‘blag’ or he’ll never live it down.

  17. Princess Edamame - #12No Gravatar Says:

    Loved it – laughed until I cried. Cried the sad, sorry tears of someone who realized that she has nothing better to do than laugh at the ramblings of someone she “inter-knows” from another forum, and two people she’s never met.


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