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Tom Hanks Pick Up Lines

April 1st, 2009 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Few people know that Tom Hanks is a true pimp. What’s his secret? He knows how to say just the right thing. Here are the Top 10 Tom Hanks Pick up lines*…

10. You wanna ride my Apollo 13…inches?

9. Let’s go back to my place and do a little Forrest Humping.

8. You know you wanna get up on Angels and Deez-nuts!

7. I’ve seen a lot of nice breasts but yours are in a League of Their Own

6. Get in the car, we’re going on the Road to Insertion

5. Why don’t you let me take your top off so me and your Bosom can become Buddies?

4. It may not be Green, but it’ll feel like a Mile

3. Are you ready for Charlie Wilson’s Wang?

2. Come away with me to a desert Island where I will Blast Away on you all night long!

1. Check your box, ’cause You’ve Got Male

*This is what happens when two comedians (myself and Ed Greer) are ride back from a show and are getting a little loopy late at night.

4 Responses to “Tom Hanks Pick Up Lines”

  1. Jess (TANcasts 1200th Customer)No Gravatar Says:

    How about:

    “Tonight its gonna be Joe versus the Volcano, but the part of the volcano will be played by your vagina!”

    meh. that’s all I got.

  2. MattNo Gravatar Says:

    what! no “Big” reference?

  3. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    I’m so upset you glossed over Toy Story.
    Dude, Woody.

  4. pick up linesNo Gravatar Says:

    Why would Tom Hanks need any pick up lines? The guy snaps his fingers and a lines of girls is being formed out of thin air…

    Hey, here are a few more pick up lines for your enjoyment: (curtesy of http://www.funny-pick-up-lines.com/funny.html )

    Do you work for UPS? I could have sworn I saw you checking out my package.
    I hope there’s a fireman around, cause you’re smokin’!
    Are you smoking? (No!) Oh, yes you are!
    Hey I just realized this, but you look a lot like my next girlfriend.
    You’ve been a bad girl. Go to my room.
    I’m invisible. (Really?) Can you see me? (Yes) How about tomorrow night?
    You look like my third wife! (How many have you had?) Two.


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