A Long Road to Nowhere


Manga Girl?

November 24th, 2008 . by Noah

I was reading this article of at BoingBoing and I bet that girl is crazy! As my friend says “crazy in the head means crazy in bed.” I wonder if she likes getting fucked by tentacles because I have this Kitchen Aid attachment I would like to try.


The Article says she is 22 but she really looks 12 to me.

This video makes her not look so 12 years old.

3 Responses to “Manga Girl?”

  1. ForSquirrelsNo Gravatar Says:

    Girl is too cute, but I hate the ghetto nails.

  2. BryceNo Gravatar Says:
  3. BryceNo Gravatar Says:


    Beware! Webcams are very deceiving. Remember the 90’s?

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