Laid end-to-end, it would circle the Earth 1.35 E-7 times!


While I was sleeping…

September 28th, 2008 . by Andy (TANcast's #1 Ear-Rapist)

… on Thursday night, my bank seems to have failed and been bought by another.  Exciting times!

Since JPMorgan Chase doesn’t appear to have any branches or ATMs in the Metro Atlanta area, the only benefit I can see is that WaMu sucked hind teat when it came to systems integration.  We opened a bank account in California and applied for our mortgage (on our Georgia home) and LoC there, but the Georgia branches almost always had trouble finding our account and the bank gave us separate web logins (different sites AND different rules on acceptable usernames and passwords) for the account and each loan type.  Hopefully Chase will do a better job when they convert everything from the now-legacy WaMu products to native Chase products.  If not, perhaps we’ll jump ship.

One Response to “While I was sleeping…”

  1. TonyNo Gravatar Says:

    One thing I’ve heard about Chase.

    Fees, fees, and more fees.

    I’m holding out, waiting to see what happens to WaMu out here. But I’m not very hopeful.

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