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Music my fiancee thinks is lame

June 12th, 2008 . by Noah

Sheena Easton – 9 to 5 (Morning Train)

I have varied taste in music, most of which my finacee claims is lame or old people music. I leave it up to you dear reader. Watch the video below and judge for yourself.

Is that like a onesy/jumpy suit she is wearing? Very attractive. I am not really sure why I like this song, it is just kind of catchy. I am watching this video and should she really be touching those levers? Is she trained in the science of trains? Did she go to conductor school? I don’t think she did. Now she is doing a little bit of pole dancing. Work it girl! With your kind of boyish haircut but she is still oddly kind of cute. There they go off into the sunset or whatever. So there it is a gay song I like, don’t judge. Stay tuned for more lame/old people music and a new Tancast is coming soon.

2 Responses to “Music my fiancee thinks is lame”

  1. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    I know this song. Pretty standard early 80’s easy listening. I’ve always thought the chorus was pretty catchy. Overall, it’s not a bad song. That video, however, was fucking awful.

  2. DeanNo Gravatar Says:

    Why am I thinking of Thomas the Tank Engine and Sheena Easton riding on his face?

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