We Put the "Odd" In Podcast


It’s official…so long Mix 106.5

April 22nd, 2008 . by Tim Babb (TANcast's #1 Host/Editor Fan)

Finally, an entry that belongs in the “Back of the Fridge” catagory…

The last remnants of the ghost of Tim Babb have been removed from Mix 106.5…they cleaned out the fridge in what used to be my office. (Why they waited over half a year after I left to do it is beyond me)

Here’s Vu hosing it down…note the poster on the door…

Apparently Jon McLaughlin does not care for me…well the feeling is mutual dirtbag!

I believe these used to be beans…ewwwwww

Look at all that goodness…wasted…mmmm hmmmm

One Response to “It’s official…so long Mix 106.5”

  1. GeoffNo Gravatar Says:

    Who’s the fat guy in white? Poor bastard…

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