Nerds Talk Dirty


Hello world!

January 27th, 2008 . by TANcast Admin

There is more to come, but this is the home of the TANcast!

We don’t know when, and we don’t know how, but soon this crummy little page will be replaced by a WordPress blog and a podcast this WordPress blog will sprout real content and a podcast.  If you are here, you must know this already since you clearly know the idiots intent on polluting the internet with their mindless drivel.

If you are not sufficiently entertained by this page, please drink some gin and wait for the real thing.

If you are not sufficiently entertained once the site launches, I don’t know what to tell you.  Try drinking more gin.  Maybe we’ll get funnier.

Monkeys no longer included…

4 Responses to “Hello world!”

  1. Buck RogersNo Gravatar Says:

    But I liked the monkeys!?

  2. Father FigureNo Gravatar Says:

    I know where you (all) live and I am parent enough for all three of you.

  3. Noah BurnettNo Gravatar Says:

    I want to dip my balls in it

  4. TeresaNo Gravatar Says:

    Woohoo for content! Where have all the monkey’s gone?

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